B. Introduce your purse brand, price & where you buy.
The brand is COACH. Coach, Inc. is an American leather goods company known for ladies' handbags, as well as items such as luggage, briefcases, wallets and other accessories (belts, shoes, scarves, umbrellas, sunglasses, key chains, etc.). Coach also offers watches and footwear.
I bought this purse when I was suffering with my studies at Maizuru, Kyoto. At that time, i couldn't do well in my exams and for the therapy, i just bought it unconsciously. So far, it has been the best purse due to it's good quality. I don't think i'm gonna buy another purse untill rosak(macam susah koyak ja kulit coach...sigh).
Oh about the price. I prefer it to be secret. You gonna have to find it urself.
C. Take out whatever its inside your purse.
Kiri atas: Student card
Kanan atas : alien registeration card for foreigners who live in Japan
Kiri bawah : Lesen memandu Kelas D
Kanan bawah : IC yang paling aku tak suka. I hate my ic because of my tudung. Kena paksa pakai tudung makcik. Wudda!
Ya saya tahu. Kejap on and off. Hehe
Kiri atas & bawah : Kad berhantu yang selalu bagi jadi aku pokai, encik VISA dan MASTER CARD!
Kanan atas & bawah : Cash card. Selalunya memang tak ada pun duit dalam tu. My way is to withdraw all the money. menyusahkan nak ke atm selalu. Kalau saving pun, not in the bank, tapi di bawah tilam. haaaa....kantoi.
Point cards i used to shop. Kat sini memang banyak pakai point card. I just hate the system. Aku tak suka isi card tebal-tebal dalam purse. Card yang ada tu pun terlupa nak keluarkan.
Cash : ada la 1000 yen 4 keping lagi.hehehehe
people that i want to tag : zaheerah, k dilla, wan zafirah, iejah kalau la hampa tak bz...hihihihi
Kanan atas & bawah : Cash card. Selalunya memang tak ada pun duit dalam tu. My way is to withdraw all the money. menyusahkan nak ke atm selalu. Kalau saving pun, not in the bank, tapi di bawah tilam. haaaa....kantoi.
people that i want to tag : zaheerah, k dilla, wan zafirah, iejah kalau la hampa tak bz...hihihihi
mungkin buat lepas exams. hehe...tgk tahap kerajinan. malu pun ada gak. btw dart aku nak add hang dkt ym...ada benda nak tanya...apa id hang?
haaa ya ka..syok syok ja...tagging2 ni.aku bg id kot facebook ok!
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