We were at the peak of boredom, so we played with girls' stuff and posed for some pictures. I did makeover for zaza, the one who has pretty big, round eyes. Mata 'arab lah katakan, ayu raudah siot wiwit! We enjoyed ourselves chit-chatting while i was busy touching up her face ha ha. Ingatkan zaza tak suka main-main makeup, rupanya tekaanku salah!hehehhe Nanti yana balik boleh lah kita bertiga main pulak :p zaza sangat sesuai buat mata arab. sangat comel! lain benor dengan mata aku yang sepet gila ni...
Makcik in the house.
14 years ago
miss the other two sanbongi girls ~
hehehhe miss u too bebeh!
cantik...nk mata besar gak!!nk rambut pjg cam dart gak!!!
huihh rmbut pnjg tu lama gila kena simpan...:D
sometimes u do look like shibasaki kou. esp bile u wat mulut cam gambar sandar kt mirror tu.
wo!shibasaki ko?haha maybe sbb rambut pnjg mcm dia kot..
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