
journal intern : 3rd,4th, & 5th day

3rd day :

午前 :My supervisor, Ono-san showed and gave some explanations on Topy's latest invention on Mechanical Alloying- their ECBMA machine.
午後 : - Attended KY(Kiken yochi) meeting. Predict the dangers that engineers wil face while working and how to prevent accidents. They were all very serious. ha ha. better cegah kan.

4th day :

sejuk. sejuk dan sangat sejuk. Angin kuat!

午前 :破砕加工 (Mg),データ整理

午後 :掃除, ふるい加工, susun Mg masuk dlm plastik

5th day :

午前 :sambung masuk Mg dalam plastik, masuk Excel に入力

午後 :tolong Ono-san buat 研磨(polishing)



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