
tagged by zana. jawapan skemanya.

oh sambil rehat practise presentation untuk esok...my last presentation in topy industries.

soalan 1~where is your cell phone?

ni ha sebelah aku. tengah charge. bil pon tak bayaq lagi.

soalan 2~relationship?
yes. am engaged. will be a wifey to somebody soon.

soalan 3~your hair?
hitam berkilat. lurus. tebal nak mampos. pantene takmo amik i jadi model shampoo ka?

soalan 4~work?
mechanical engineer. sounds great huh.

soalan 5~your sister?
2 orang adik beradik perempuan yang suka perabih duit mama n papa.ha ha

soalan 6~your favourite thing?
beach, nature, shop shop shop till i bleed.

soalan 7~your dream last nite?
lupa dah.

soalan 8~your favourite drink?
water proof. air kosong sudah. tak suka minum benda lain. oh milo ais suka gila!

soalan 9~your dream car
takdak. bmw mungkin? kereta bukan priority.

soalan 10~your shoes?
sneakers belambak. heels pon belambak.

soalan 11~your fears?
aku paling takut guruh. pecaya dak?hahhahha

soalan 12~what do you want to be after 10 years?
hot mummy with loghat kedah yang tak boleh dibuang.

soalan 13~who did you hang out with last weekend?
yesterday: inahon chan came to my house. malam lepak makan pasta uya belanja!yes thanks uya!

soalan 14~missing?

soalan 15~what are you thinking about right now?
ni tak habih gagap lagi esok nak present dah ni how?

soalan 16~favourite colour?
lime green. red. anything with pastel.

soalan 17~love?

soalan 18~ so who wants to share their one? how about?
sapa-sapa. freedom bebeh.



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